Friday, November 7, 2008

Planning An Event

1. Determine the type of event
- league competition, one day event or weekend tournament.
- describe specifically type of event

2. Determine for whom the event is planned
- on who should participate
- age, gender, academic qualification need to be considered.
- other criteria

3. Determine the size or scope of the event
- how many participant
- limit will be reached

4. Determine the categories of competition to be offered
- how you will organized the competition (depend on the type of event you’re planning).
- consider skill, age, gender, height, weight

5. Determine the dates & duration of the event
- numbers of days need
- number, availability, cost & size of facilities
- convenience of the dates for participant, official
- transportation needs
- weather provisions

6. Determine the location of the event
- may require a single location with a facility that you control.
- may require multiple sites for completing all contests.
- evaluate whether your community, school or club facility is the best location for the event.



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