Thursday, November 6, 2008

Basic Golf Tournament Setup....

This procedure is applicable to golfers and the operation staff to ensure a smooth operation to avoid disruption in the flow of golfers traffic in order to maximise golf course utilisation and customer satisfaction.

Persons responsible
Golf Manager
Golf Supervisor
Golf Registration Staffs
Golf Assistants

- Scorecard?
- Golf course conditions?
- Confirm players; what type of play?
- Buggy conditions; no settings, placing?
- Time tee-off, registration, F&B, Housekeeping, Maintenance?


Organisation with agreements signed with the club are required to present their membership card, identity card and handicap card at registration failing which they will have to pay.

Golfer Arrival Procedure
Golfer arrives at bag drop area and is met and greeted by Golf Assistant. Golf Assistant collects golf bag from customer, tags golf bag with identification tag and gives one portion to customer for claim after game. Golf bag is sent to buggy terminal. Customer arrives at golf registration counter and completes golf registration form. Golf Registration Staff collects golf registration form, charges customer and hands golf receipt and course ticket to customer.Customer presents course ticket to buggy station. Golf Assistant loads golf bag onto buggy and directs customer to his tee box.Customer reports to the Starter and hands course ticket. Starter verifies all entries eg. Membership particulars, payment etc. and customer is allowed to tee off. Starter records flight details onto starter sheet and files the course with it.

Marshals patrol the golf course at reasonable intervals to ensure a smooth and timely flow of play and golfers observance of the golf course rules and etiquette of play.Golfers who are found to breach are given a friendly reprimand and repeat offenders referred to the Disciplinary Committee.

Golfer Departure Procedure
Golfer arrives from last green to buggy terminal. Staff member inspects buggy, unloads golf bags and sends them to golf bag pick up area.Golfer hands over his portion of bag tag to staff member at bag pick area to collect bag. Staff member assist to load bag into car. If golfer has lost his potion of bag tag, Staff member will record his particulars (i/c no, telephone, car no. etc) together with golf bag number.

Key in score that been given by the golfers. Make sure they sign the scorecard before submit to calculate the score.Print all score and submit it to golf manager and customer for prize giving.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lan. it's a good start and good job done..and i'm sure it will benefits most of the golfers who visited your blog..esp.those kaki golf from our own U.looking forward for some other tips on golf..keep it up..

November 6, 2008 at 3:54 PM  

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